Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place

This story is set in a small unnamed town somewhere located in Spain between 1930’s and 50’s. The entire scene is taking place in a cafe and a street . “It was very late and everybody had left the cafe except an old man who sat in the shadow the leaves of the tree made against the electric light. In the day time the street was dusty, but night the dew settled the dust and the old man liked to sit late because he was deaf and now at night it was quiet and he felt the difference”. What makes it interesting is that no matter where the place is, what matters is that is a good place to be on a dark windy lonely night. “This is a clean and pleasant cafe. It is well lighted. The light is very good and also, now, there are shadows of the leaves.” You can find comfort and a way to escape from trouble in the middle of silence. Hemingway in “The clean, well-lighted cafe” story suggested that light chases away the dark, it was the place where this old man feel relax and could take a breath from the life he was living.

In this story characters are name less because Hemingway through out the story is trying to show that there is no meaning in life; everything is nothing, that nothing matters, there is no good no bad, no right no wrong. You can see it clearly when the older waiter expresses while describing the awful nothingness of life “nada y pues nada y pues nada”, nothing can offer him comfort, and he is being overwhelmed by the spiritual emptiness. Life is nothing but each character is different , with a unique identity acting in the middle of nothing.

The connection between the old man and the old waiter is that both got to the point where insomnia has capture them, they just hate sleeping and for them life has become a no meaning segment which humans have to pass through.


Conflict: Between man and time, each character has a different vision of the meaning of time. (youngest ones value time and older man is just passing the time until he dies).

Rising Action: When the waiter gives more drinks to the older man trying to make him go home.

Complications:Comparison between the older waiter and the younger waiter and also the connection between the old man and the old waiter. Ex. When the young waiter wants to close the cafe early, while the older waiter wants to remain open because the old man is still there. It reflects the difference between the young attitude of impatience toward the old man. “I am one of those who like to stay late at the cafe...With all those who do not want to go to bed. With all those who need a light for the night...”

Climax: When the older waiter is describing Nihilism (believe that nothing exists).

Falling action: When the older waiter continues their conversation in his mind, considering the nature of life, only emptiness. Then he goes to a bodega to drink alone at the bar, which he finds very unsatisfactory, and finally he finds out that he would lie in the bed and with the daylight, he would go to sleep. “It is probably only insomnia. many must have it”. There is no reason to believe that each of his days would be less empty than the ones in the past.


Years pass and as you get old you believe that there is no meaning to this world, there is no God you are alone in the middle of nothingness. The older waiter understands the old man. he defends him, he too seeks a place to despair the night.

Ernest Hemingway was born in 1899, Oak Park, Illinois. At the age of seventeen he started his career as a writer in a newspaper. Years later he joined a volunteer ambulance unit in the Italian army and at his twenties became a member of the group of expatriate Americans in Paris. He used his experiences as a reporter during the civil war in Spain and from then on he portrayed all his thoughts on his novels. He was a short story writer and essayist and was awarded the 1954 Nobel Prize for literature. He was married four times and ended his life the same way as his father, he committed suicide.

Hermingway was dealing with despair, depression and desperation for much of his life, he struggled to find a true meaning and purpose to life, he found life meaningless. He reflected himself in this story with the old man. He made the character deaf, alone, despair, alcoholic, and had insomnia which finally showed how he cut off from the rest of the world.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

James Baldwin's "Sonny's Blues"

This story takes place in New York City on the early 1950’s - 1960’s in a neighborhood in Harlem. A neighborhood plagued by poverty and crime. “We hit 110 Street and started rolling up Lenox Avenue. And I’d known this avenue all my life, but it seemed to me again, as it had seemed on the day I’d first heard about Sonny’s trouble, filled with hidden menace which was its very breath of life”(pg. 181). By this time segregation and racism was still part of this people’s life they had to take drastic measures in order to acquire equality. Families had a desire for economical and social growth in order to live happy and peaceful. This atmosphere was the one that surrounded Sonny’s mind and the one that took him to change and be different from others. Even though he looks Harlem as the place he has left behind it was still part of him. He wanted to avoid living that life and that was why he took the drug-addiction path, a way to live another life instead of confronting the real one.

“For more than two hundred years, African-Americans have participated in every conflict in United States history. They have not only fought bravely the common enemies of the United States but have also had to confront the individual and institutional racism of their countrymen”. (Lt. Col. [Ret] Michael Lee Lanning, author, "The African-American Soldier: From Crispus Attucks to Colin Powell"). Freedom was the fullest desire, they lived in a constant unfairness. Sonny tries to change his lifestyle but no matter what he does, he still has hope. Even though Sonny has anger about the life he wants to fight and be able to show him self and others that he can be different and be a free individual and that there is a meaning in tragedy. This story is showing the two sides of African American life, privileges vs isolation & pain. Sonny decides to accept the suffer, to do something, to give it a meaning instead of avoiding it or just living like everybody else. That is why he decides to search for the deep pain and wants to go to the military life; the only way to really understand and live a different life.

My man - Billie Holiday


It cost me a lot

But there's one thing that I've got

It's my man

It's my man

Cold or wet

Tired, you bet

All of this I'll soon forget

With my man

He's not much on looks
He's no hero out of books
But I love him
Yes, I love him

Two or three girls
Has he
That he likes as well as me
But I love him

I don't know why I should
He isn't true
He beats me, too
What can I do?

Oh, my man, I love him so
He'll never know
All my life is just despair
But I don't care
When he takes me in his arms
The world is bright
All right

What's the difference if I say
I'll go away
When I know I'll come back
On my knees someday

For whatever my man is
I'm his forevermore

Jazz originated at the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities. As other types of music categories Jazz makes you relax and see life very peaceful. I would say that for Sonny this was a breath that allow him to continue living. Music for him was a way of communication a way to answer questions about society and racial relations in America. Instead of using what everybody uses “WORDS” , he expresses in a unique way, by the beep of the sound. He shows his darkness (melancholy and depression), in the darkness where he lives by making his music an affirmation of what his life is.

In this song there is hope, is a woman expressing love and admiration for a men, but with this story I interpret it as a a men that has a desire to go against everything because he has a world where he belongs, he has to defend himself and live in the real world.

Bebop is a type of Jazz but with a faster tempo and is based on improvisation. Politically and socially music represents a way to rebel, to make your thoughts be part of your life and others life. For Sonny, music is an expression that can describe or set a mood in a situation. At the end of the story, Sonny’s brother understood while Sonny played the piano the suffer he has always being carrying, “It’s the only light we’ve got in all this darkness”.